Do's and Don'ts of DIY Truck Repairs

There are several truck repairs you can handle on your own, given the right knowledge and tools. The issue is where you get that knowledge and knowing when you are in over your head. Here are a few of the main do's and don'ts you should keep in mind for DIY truck repairs.

Don't Use Online Video Tutorials Only

You may be tempted to load your favorite online video source and search for the repair your videos you need. Though this can be a good starting point, you don't want to rely on the online video tutorial market as your sole knowledge base. Most videos will assume you already have a working knowledge of the vehicle repair. They may also skip over the types of tools you will need until you are already well into the repair. Another issue is the background of the person handling the repair on the video. You need to know that the information you are getting is valid and won't void your warranty or cause another issue that is costly to repair. Use the videos as a guide, but try to find another resource as a back-up guide to the truck repair.

Don't Skimp Out on the Tools

You may see the tool list you need and realize that you don't have a few of the necessary components for the repair. You may be inclined to skip buying the tool, especially for one time repairs, and just make do with what you have. The problem with this is that, if you are using the wrong tool, you may cause damage to the truck beyond the initial repair issue. Instead, either rent the tool for the one time repair or take your truck in for a professional repair job. If you go with the tool rental option, you can generally rent the tools from a local home improvement store.

Do Prepare Ahead for the Repair

Before you start the repair, consider walking through the repair in your head. You don't have to take the truck apart for this. You can simply walk through it and glance at the repair area to see what you will need and if you may hit a complication that is beyond your knowledge base. This will help to avoid having your truck in pieces and realizing that you are at a huge hurdle you can't jump over. Make sure the repair looks like something you can deal with, have the tools for, and can handle if an issue arises before you start breaking down the truck.
